Floods in Chennai, India

Chennai, a populous city in South India, has been violently hit by floods and inundation in the last three months of 2015, caused by what experts believe to be the most violent weather phenomenon of the last century.

With more than 300 dead and thousands of citizens evacuated from their homes, the city is completely on its knees, submerged by water and mud, with roads unusable, hospitals and infrastructure out of service, no electricity and heavy rains that show no sign of letting up.

In the face of so much suffering, the Sri Prema Charitable Trust, which makes charity and volunteer work its main mission, could not stand by and watch. With volunteers led by its President, Luigi Ferrante, a man who has already led several humanitarian missions in the past with self-sacrifice and spirit of sacrifice, the Trust managed to bring concrete help to the population of Chennai, purchasing and distributing basic necessities to the local population.

There is still much to be done for the population of Chennai. For this reason, the Sri Prema Charitable Trust will continue its voluntary work, while at the same time supporting a fundraising campaign, the proceeds of which will be immediately sent to the President and used for the immediate and concrete relief of a population that is now at the point of exhaustion.

Missione umanitaria a Chennai, Dicembre 2015
Humanitarian Mission to Chennai, December 12, 2015

Update 19/12/2015, Luigi Ferrante from Chennai

The beauty of service…

Missione umanitaria a Chennai, 19 Dicembre 2015

…After hearing their dramatic story, I offered to help them… I even found them temporary accommodation in the church, as they were sleeping in a makeshift tent. After this meeting, and as I continued to distribute aid to the hundreds of people who kept arriving from all over, I thought of the Master’s words, “…the ideal of service and the inner urge to perform it, is the very heart filled with love. Pure love is its highest manifestation. When you decide to do service, go to the places where you can find the poor and, bring them the message of hope and strength in their hearts. Be grateful to them when they welcome you and give you the opportunity to serve them . No matter how many people you manage to feed, perhaps, ten, a hundred or a thousand, know that you have set an example of goodness and love and, in time, others will follow these deeds of love… Your happiness depends on theirs, be loving and proud to serve them, because the same Sai that resides in you, resides in them. I will be by your side, working elbow to elbow with you and, I will be proud of you . This is the prayer I value most. Through service, prepare the way of Truth and Righteousness. Remember, God is the refuge of those who have no place to rest. Be aware that you are love in action. Awareness is life and therefore, be aware of your innate inner strength and glory…”

“…The wealth you accumulate is not yours, while the wealth you will have distributed will belong to you forever…” Luigi

Missione umanitaria a Chennai, 19 Dicembre 2015
Humanitarian Mission to Chennai, December 12, 2015
Missione umanitaria a Chennai, 19 Dicembre 2015
Humanitarian Mission to Chennai, December 12, 2015

Update 15/12/2015, Luigi Ferrante from Chennai

Thoughts, words and actions…

In recent days, thanks to the help of the police and the intervention of the good Lord, we have been able to provide relief to 2210 flooded families. Families who have lost even what little they had left, the violence of the water has taken everything away from them… In the worst-hit area of Chennai, Saidepet and its suburbs, Madhavaram, Ottechery, Velachery, Tambaram, people are clustered in makeshift or better said, makeshift accommodation…

In these and other villages, there are many people who are either too old or too weak or with some physical defect, lame, deaf, blind or polio, who find it difficult to find a livelihood. Some of them also have families to look after. The only time these people can forget these thoughts and this tragedy is when they gather in the evening and come to our camp to collect food and everything they need, cookers for cooking, pots, rice, dhal, flour and oil, milk and biscuits for the children… as we distribute, I watch their faces, their sad eyes, and I feel helpless in the face of so much despair. ..! But at the same time I realise that, with humility and love, and with respect for those we serve, we succeed in elevating man’s humanity and making him feel alive…
Thanks to all of you who support us, and also thanks to your love that we are able to distribute so much Love

“…let melody and harmony rise from your hearts, and let all derive joy and love that you express through these genuine actions of love…”

Missione umanitaria a Chennai, 15 Dicembre 2015
Humanitarian Mission to Chennai, December 2015
Missione umanitaria a Chennai, 15 Dicembre 2015
Humanitarian Mission to Chennai, December 2015

Update 12/12/2015, Luigi Ferrante from Chennai

Service with Love…
So much suffering among the people, and here in Chennai, after the flood, sadness and desolation dominate the individual and the air we breathe…
We have to find out why terrible things happen in the world today. It seems that this is due to a lack of self-denial and Love for oneself and for others…
Only love and service strengthen the mind and intelligence, enabling the individual to act correctly .
“…it is dedication to others that will lead the individual to the highest levels of life. One can only enter into relationship with others through Love … “
Love is the primary factor in this process … Love is everything!

Missione umanitaria a Chennai, 12 Dicembre 2015
Humanitarian Mission to Chennai, December 2015
Missione umanitaria a Chennai, 12 Dicembre 2015
Humanitarian Mission to Chennai, December 2015
Missione umanitaria a Chennai, 12 Dicembre 2015
Humanitarian Mission to Chennai, December 2015
Missione umanitaria a Chennai, 12 Dicembre 2015
Humanitarian Mission to Chennai, December 2015
Missione umanitaria a Chennai, 12 Dicembre 2015
Humanitarian Mission to Chennai, December 2015

Chennai, a densely populated city in South India over the last trhee weeks has been violently hit by floods, produced by what experts consider the most violent storms of the last hundred years.

With more than 300 dead and thousands evacuated, the town is completely on its knees, submerged by water and mud, with impassable streets, hospitals and infrastructures out of service, without electricity and with driving rain which does not look like it is going to stop soon.

Facing to so much suffering the Sri Prema Charitable Trust, which makes charity and volunteering his main Mission, could not stand by and watch. With volunteers led by its President Luigi Ferrante, a man who in the past has already led with dedication and spirit of sacrifice several humanitarian missions, the Trust has managed to bring a concrete help providing basic necessities to the local population.

There is still much to be done for the Chennai population, for this reason the Sri Prema Charitable Trust will continue its voluntary action and a fund-raiser the proceeds of which will be sent to the President immediately and utilized for a tangible help aimed at an exhausted population.